Many young Cambodian women are in desperate situations. Some see abortion as the only option for their child’s future.
Others are tempted to sell their child to the highest bidder to make ends meet. CIF staff spend a lot of time counselling these women to consider alternative care options for their children. Many Cambodian children are placed in orphanage care as a result of their families’ poverty. CIF’s Kinship Care program works directly with these families, and their extended families, providing funds and solutions to help keep children at home.
CIF social workers also provide family counselling, teach parenting skills and good health and hygiene practices.
CIF has grown tremendously over the past five years. Children in Families supports over 100 children to be loved and raised in families in Cambodia. There is a large waiting list of children being referred to CIF for placement. It is our hope that as Development Accord grows we will be able to continue assisting CIF to development their services to meet these needs of these communities.